Saturday, December 22, 2007

Observe & THink before any Comment

Before every meal, we walk into the kitchen not knowing what to cook. We open the lader, the fridge and search for ingredients for the cooking. At times things weneed are not there. If there are, it may not be sufficient or not to our satisfaction.

What will we do then? Abandon the cooking? Go out and get the things we need? Or make do with what we have & Improvise! These are some of the decisions we have to make. And that is really true in life. No matter what decision we make, we will have to face the consequences of our decision. No matter how good the decisions are, there are bound to be people who are not happy with us. Even about our cookings!!

AS in cooking, we simply cannot rely on our sklinn or knowledge alone. Even though we have put in all the appropriate ingredients, we need to taste it before serving it for others to give their comments.

Yes, those sitting impateintly waiting for the meal to be served do not even know the difficulties that we had undergone. From choosing the right ingredients, preparing them, cooking before the finally laying it on the table. They forgot all the processes that took place in the kitchen. All they know is to comment, to criticise or to complement the chef.

Life is full of people who do not want to know or forgot about happenings, hardships, constraints of those who tried to achieve the best outcomes of the many things they are given. We talk about raisning our children, about making decicions on the future of our family.... and many other decisions. On many occasions, we don't have the luxury of time, money or knowledge before we made such decisions. We have to rely on our 'gut feelings' or trust in our decisions.

Be grateful if our decisions turned out OK. But if otherwise, we can still simle because we are brave to make such decisions. So before we make any comments, do observe and think about the events BEFORE any outcome took place.

It is just a food for thought. Wassalam


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